O Canada!
Your homes on Mi’kmaw land
True genocidal drive
By all your Queen’s command
With greedy hearts
You watched us die
Our strong Nation divided and poor
All for money and power, O Canada
We stand on guard against thee
Our land is not your commodity for fee
O Canada! We stand on guard against thee
O Canada, our Nation is still here;
O Canada! We stand on guard against thee
O Canada! Our Mi’kmaw Nation sovereign and free.
1725-26 – Peace and friendship treaties signed with Mi’kmaw to stop hostilities on all sides and protect hunting, fishing, fowling;
1752 – Treaty with Mi’kmaw confirming hunting and fishing rights;
1756 – Proclamation offering bounty for Mi’kmaw scalps;
1760-61 – Treaty with Mi’kmaw protecting hunting, fishing and trading rights (no surrender of land or sovereignty);
1971 – Donald Marshall Jr (Mi’kmaw) wrongly convicted of murder, Halifax, NS;
1981 – Police assault and arrest Mi’kmaw for exercising fishing rights in Restigouche, QC;
1999-01 – RCMP & DFO ram fishing boats of Mi’kmaw for exercising court-proven treaty rights in Esgenoopetij, NB;
2013 – Army of RCMP assault and arrest peaceful Mi’kmaw protecting lands from hydro-fracking in Elsipogtog, NB;
2013 – RCMP flank hydro-fracking trucks to protect them against peaceful Mi’kmaw land protectors in Elsipogtog, NB;